misfortune n. 1.背运,倒霉,不幸;灾难,灾祸。 2.私生子;生私生子。 M- might be a blessing in disguise. 塞翁失马,安知非福。 M-s tell us what fortune is. 不经灾难不知福。 M-s never come singly [alone]. = One misfortune rides upon another's back. 祸不单行。 by misfortune 不幸。 have the misfortune to (do) 不幸(而)。
Misfortunes never come singly . when it rains it pours 屋漏又逢连阴雨
Misfortunes never come singly 谚祸不单行。
At that moment a little accident supervened , which seemed decreed by fate purposely to prove the truth of the adage , that misfortunes never come singly , and to add to their distresses the vexing one of the slip between the cup and the lip 这时候发生了一个小小的插曲,仿佛也是天意,要证实“祸不单行”的格言,伤心之中因眼看到手的东西又失掉而更添恼怒。圣